africa media
Why is everyone a Content Creator?
You’ve probably seen a YouTuber start their video with something like, “Hey guys, welcome to my channel!” This isn’t just an intro; it’s an invitation to connect.
africa media
You’ve probably seen a YouTuber start their video with something like, “Hey guys, welcome to my channel!” This isn’t just an intro; it’s an invitation to connect.
Tech & Finance
In today's rapidly evolving tech landscape, careers in data, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and machine learning have become some of the most sought-after and transformative paths.
Tech & Finance
I didn’t necessarily need to read news updates on tech to realize it would be a big deal, considering the increased adoption. From the 9 to 5 guy who suddenly needed Excel for his daily calculations, to the market woman using a POS device to handle transactions.
Tech & Finance
Back in 2019, only 22% of South Africans were familiar with podcasts, a stark contrast to 77% in the United States.